Dear Readers,
I am glad to launch a new series of article under the title “Stotra Mala”. Some time back I have published “Kanaka Dhaara Stotram” of Jagadguru Sri Adi Sankaracharya which was well received by the readers. The feedback was very much encouraging as some of the readers told me that they have started reciting “Kanakadhara Stotra” regularly and the day never gets started without listening and chanting the Stotra and thy are reaping immense benefit by chanting the stotra.
The Stotras or the Divine Hymns are not mere compositions. They are in fact pure love which melted from the hearts of pure devotees. These outpourings of great rishis and saints expressing their deep devotion towards the Lord have taken the form of Stotras. These compositions are fraught with all the energies and if one recites these verses with devotion are sure to get their desired wishes. These slokas subsequently elevate the soul to the next level of bhakti and then lead them to mukthi.
In this article I have presented “Sri Hanumat Pancharatnam” composed by Jagadguru Sri Adi Sankara Bhagavad Pada. For the benefit of wide readers, the Slokas are trans-literated in both Tamil and English along with meaning in English. Adi Acharya had composed this beautiful piece of five slokas on Hanuman and is rightly called a “Pancha Ratna”.
Hanuman with unswerving devotion towards Rama is a humble devotee who is spurred on to great deeds because of his unshakeable faith in Rama. Kanchi Paramacharya once said Hanuman has both Intellect and also Physical Strength and hence by worshipping him one will be blessed with all the wealth i.e.
Hanuman with unswerving devotion towards Rama is a humble devotee who is spurred on to great deeds because of his unshakeable faith in Rama. Kanchi Paramacharya once said Hanuman has both Intellect and also Physical Strength and hence by worshipping him one will be blessed with all the wealth i.e.
Buddhir Balam Yaso Dhairyam
Nirbhayatvam Arogata Ajaadyam
Vaak Patuthvam cha
Hanumath Smaranaath Bhaveth
Wisdom, Strength, Fame, Valor,
Fearlessness, Health,
Determination, Articulativeness
The phala sruti of Hanumat Pancharatnam mentions :
“One who recites this Pancharatna Stotra of Hanuman, becomes a devotee of Sri Rama, after having enjoyed all objects for a long time in this world.”
Let us all chant this divine hymn and seek the blessings of Anjaneya!
Fearlessness, Health,
Determination, Articulativeness
The phala sruti of Hanumat Pancharatnam mentions :
“One who recites this Pancharatna Stotra of Hanuman, becomes a devotee of Sri Rama, after having enjoyed all objects for a long time in this world.”
Let us all chant this divine hymn and seek the blessings of Anjaneya!
Happy Reading
Warm Regards
AV Devan
Sri Hanumat Pancharatnam
Sri Hanumat Pancharatnam
வீதாகில விஷயேச்சம்
ஜாதானந்தாச்ரு புலக மத்யச்சம்
சீதாபதி தூதாத்யம்
வதாத்மாஜ மத்ய பாவயே ஹ்ருத்யம் (1)
Veethaakhila Vishayecham
Jaataanandaasru Pulaka Madyascham
Seethapathi Dootaadyam
Vaataatmaja Madya Bhavaye Hridyam (1)
I now meditate of Hanuman, the son of Vayu, who is free from all desires for the enjoyment of objects, in whom the tears of joy rolled down coupled with horripilation, who is pure in heart, who is foremost among the messengers of Rama, and who is dear to the heart.
தருணாருண முக கமலம்
கருணாரஸபூர பூரிதாபாங்கம்
ஸஞ்ஜீவன மாசாஸே
மஞ்சுள மஹிமான அஞ்சனா பாக்யம் (2)
Tarunaaruna Mukha KamalamKarunaa
ஜாதானந்தாச்ரு புலக மத்யச்சம்
சீதாபதி தூதாத்யம்
வதாத்மாஜ மத்ய பாவயே ஹ்ருத்யம் (1)
Veethaakhila Vishayecham
Jaataanandaasru Pulaka Madyascham
Seethapathi Dootaadyam
Vaataatmaja Madya Bhavaye Hridyam (1)
I now meditate of Hanuman, the son of Vayu, who is free from all desires for the enjoyment of objects, in whom the tears of joy rolled down coupled with horripilation, who is pure in heart, who is foremost among the messengers of Rama, and who is dear to the heart.
தருணாருண முக கமலம்
கருணாரஸபூர பூரிதாபாங்கம்
ஸஞ்ஜீவன மாசாஸே
மஞ்சுள மஹிமான அஞ்சனா பாக்யம் (2)
Tarunaaruna Mukha KamalamKarunaa
Rasapoora Poorithapaangam
Sanjeevana Maashaase
Manjula Mahimana Anjana Bhagyam (2)
Manjula Mahimana Anjana Bhagyam (2)
I desire to see Hanuman, the fortune of Anjana, whose lotus-face is red, whose side-glances are filled with the waters of compassion, who brought back to life all those who were dead in the battle and whose greatness in praiseworthy.
சம்பரவைரி சராதிகமம்
அம்புஜதல விபுல லோசனோதாரம்
கம்புகலம் அனிலதிஷ்டம்
பிம்பஜ்வலி தோஷ்டம் ஏகம் அவலம்பே
அம்புஜதல விபுல லோசனோதாரம்
கம்புகலம் அனிலதிஷ்டம்
பிம்பஜ்வலி தோஷ்டம் ஏகம் அவலம்பே
Sambaravairi Saraatigamam
Ambujadala Vipula Locanodaaram
Kambugalam Aniladishtam
Bimbajvalitoshtam Ekam Avalambe (3)
I take refuge only in Hanuman, who is the fortune of Vayu, who is above the shafts of Manmatha (the god of love), whose beautiful eyes are like the large petals of a lotus, whose neck resembles a conch and whose lips shine like the bimba fruit.
தூரிக்ருத சீதார்த்தி ப்ரகடீக்ருத
ராம வைபவ ஸ்பூர்தி
தாரித தசமுக கீர்த்தி புரதோ
மம பாது ஹனுமதோ மூர்த்தி
Doorikrita Seetarthi Praktikrita
தூரிக்ருத சீதார்த்தி ப்ரகடீக்ருத
ராம வைபவ ஸ்பூர்தி
தாரித தசமுக கீர்த்தி புரதோ
மம பாது ஹனுமதோ மூர்த்தி
Doorikrita Seetarthi Praktikrita
Raama Vaibhava Sphoorti
Daarita Dasamukha Keerti Purato
Mama Bhaathu Hanumato Moorthi (4)
Mama Bhaathu Hanumato Moorthi (4)
May the figure of Hanuman shine before me, the figure which dispelled the agonies of Sita, which manifested the might and glory of Rama and which destroyed the fame of the ten-headed Ravana.
வானர நிகர அத்யக்ஷம்
தானவகுல குமுத ரவிகர ஸத்ருக்ஷம்
தீன ஜனாவன தீக்ஷம்
பவனதப பாக புன்ஜ மத்ராக்ஷம்
வானர நிகர அத்யக்ஷம்
தானவகுல குமுத ரவிகர ஸத்ருக்ஷம்
தீன ஜனாவன தீக்ஷம்
பவனதப பாக புன்ஜ மத்ராக்ஷம்
Vaanara Nikara Adhyaksham
Danavakula Kumuda Ravikara Sadruksham
Danavakula Kumuda Ravikara Sadruksham
Deena Janaavana Deeksham
Pavanatapa Paaka Punja Madraaksham (5)
Pavanatapa Paaka Punja Madraaksham (5)
I saw Hanuman the result of the fully developed austerity of Vayu, who was the leader of the multitude of monkeys, who was to the race of the Raakshas like the rays of the sun to the waterlily and who is dedicated to the protection of the distressed.
ஏதத் பவன ஸுதஸ்ய ஸ்தோத்ரம்
ய : படதி பஞ்சரத்னாக்யம்
சிரமிஹ நிகிலான் போகான்
புக்த்வா ஸ்ரீ ராம பக்தி பாக்பவதி
Etat Pavana Sutasya Stotram
ய : படதி பஞ்சரத்னாக்யம்
சிரமிஹ நிகிலான் போகான்
புக்த்வா ஸ்ரீ ராம பக்தி பாக்பவதி
Etat Pavana Sutasya Stotram
Ya : Patathi Pancharatnakkhyam
Ciramiha Nikhilaan Bhogaan
Ciramiha Nikhilaan Bhogaan
Bhuktva Sri Raama Bhakti Bhagbhavati (6)
One who reads the Pancharatna Stotra of Hanuman, becomes a devotee of Sri Rama, after having enjoyed all objects for a long time in this world.
Sri Hanumat Pancharatnam – Adi Sankara’s collection of hymns published by Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam.
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One who reads the Pancharatna Stotra of Hanuman, becomes a devotee of Sri Rama, after having enjoyed all objects for a long time in this world.
Sri Hanumat Pancharatnam – Adi Sankara’s collection of hymns published by Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam.
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